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What We Believe?

​Some resources on learning more about the teachings of the Catholic Church, but we always encourage growing in our faith with others. Sign up for one of our groups dedicated to growing in faith and teachings of the church here.


Holy Bible

  • The Catholic Church finally agreed on which writings should go into the Bible at the Council of Rome in 382 AD during the time of Pope Damasus.

  • Damasus encouraged St. Jerome to translate the Scriptures into Latin since Latin was the common language of all educated people.

  • Throughout the Middle Ages, portions of the Scriptures were translated into vernacular languages.

  • In the mid-1400s, the Bible started to be translated into European languages more widely.

  • In the 16th century, some Reformers published Bibles with bits missing, faulty translation work, and subversive notes.

  • The authorities tried to regulate which Bibles were acceptable in order to control erroneous teaching.

  • Throughout the years, the Catholic Church encouraged Bible reading, but kept control of the interpretation of the Bible as part of the Church’s inspired authority to teach the truth and preserve the unity of the Church.

  • Pope Leo XIII published a letter in 1893 encouraging Bible study.

  • Pius XII in 1943 also encouraged the faithful to study and love the Bible.

  • The second Vatican Council in the 1960s encouraged all the clergy and people to study the Bible faithfully.

Brief history of bible from Cruxnow

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Catechism contains the essential and fundamental content of the Catholic faith in a complete and summary way. It presents what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. It presents these truths in a way that facilitates their understanding.

The Catechism presents Catholic doctrine within the context of the Church's history and tradition. Frequent references to Sacred Scripture, the writings of the Fathers, the lives and writings of the saints, conciliar and papal documents and liturgical texts enrich the Catechism in a way that is both inviting and challenging. There are over three thousand footnotes in the Catechism.


United States Council of Catholic Bishops "What we Believe"

St. Rose of Lima Parish
3005 W Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208

Parish Center & Office:
540 N 31st St.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
(414) 342-1778

St. Michael Congregation
Church and Office:
1445 N 24th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53205

(414) 933-3143

Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 2pm

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