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Music Ministry

One of God's greatest gifts to us, his creation, was the gift of song. In words and music, our ancestors in faith—Moses, David, Deborah, Paul, St. Gregory—have taught us how to revel in God's infinite love, proclaim his glory, give thanks for his abounding generosity, and plead for mercy and forgiveness.


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Colassians 3:16)



Members of the choir sing at one of our Sunday masses. The choir helps us bring our praise to God in sung prayer and enhance our Sunday liturgy.



Do you Play an instrument?
As a musician, you can share your gifts to help our entire community worship God in song. 

Learn More about Ministry

Thank you for serving the church! we will get back to you soon about joining this ministry and next steps.

St. Rose of Lima Parish
3005 W Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208

Parish Center & Office:
540 N 31st St.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
(414) 342-1778

St. Michael Congregation
Church and Office:
1445 N 24th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53205

(414) 933-3143

Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 2pm

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