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"For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you: that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and after he had given thanks, broke it, saying "This is my body that is for you.  Do this in remembrance of me." (1 Corinthians 11:23-24)


The Holy Eucharist is the most important of the seven sacraments because in the Eucharist we receive the very body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.


When we come to the Eucharist, we participate in both Jesus' Last Supper and his Sacrifice on the Cross.  Through our prayers and rituals, we hear Jesus' words in the Scriptures, offer our own lives to God, and receive Jesus' body in Communion. 


Communion is an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ, in which we sacramentally receive Christ into our bodies, that we may become more like him.


Scheduling Information

First Communion is traditionally celebrated during Community mass, the second Sunday in May. Children are enrolled in Religious Formation for two years before they celebrate their First Communion.

Email us to learn more!

St. Rose of Lima Parish
3005 W Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208

Parish Center & Office:
540 N 31st St.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
(414) 342-1778

St. Michael Congregation
Church and Office:
1445 N 24th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53205

(414) 933-3143

Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 2pm

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